I have been AWOL for a while now and I am sooo sorry! We've been super busy with the house, Brent's city council duties, my church responsibilities, our regular day jobs (extra days for me this week), and various other projects around here and I haven't had time nor the energy to blog or create.
Yesterday I cleaned out my laundry room and started some big bags of clothing for our local Women's Shelter, Goodwill, and such, AND I finally spent some time here in my makeshift office (aka the one of the rooms of our "store" where I store the Bind It All stuff - still working on the website) so that I could stand to be here at the computer for more than 5 minutes... So, today while one of the "Mini C's" (see photo to left) is earning money for a new bike by de-fruiting my way overzealous "flowering" plum tree and I wait for my laundry to finish I shall blog...
Over the past two weeks:

1.) We've played around with trim options and built a TON of InkStaks in the past couple of weeks. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you for your purchases!

2.) We are beginning to put the walls back together in the basement. Brent has been sanding the seams where the new sheet rock will meet the old sheet rock so that we get some nice seamless seams and he has put the sheet rock back up in the under the stairs closet. So now we can get going on tiling under the stairs and then putting all my Christmas stuff back in there. (The whole closet is devoted to Christmas!)
3.) This weekend (after the big BBQ & Fireworks party) we're going to be cleaning the walls in the family room so that we can touch up the paint and put the carpet & baseboards back down. YAH BABY! This means that we can start putting the furniture back into the family room and I can unbury the majority of my crafting supplies! I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!

4.) I've painted some test colors (6710 Melange Green & 6711 Parakeet) on 2 walls of my studio.... one is too dark and one is too light, I think I am going to have to mix the two and see what I can come up with.
Updated 7/6/08 5.) After much thought and research, we have decided that while the house is entirely torn up we will be replacing ALL of the floors (except the unaffected flooring in the basement). We're doing all the work on the repairs (no contracting out) and the insurance money should stretch pretty far this way. We've chosen a beautiful hardwood floor for the first floor and my studio and a couple of porcelain tiles (here & here - I think we're leaning towards the darker one) or the upstairs bathrooms and kitchen. THis is going to make for one heck of a busy month! The wood flooring is on back order until the 1st of August so that buys us some time to get the tile done before we do the wood (and also not scratch the wood while installing the tile).
Next spring or this fall we will work on putting landscaping fabric and gravel between all of the ga

planting some grapes along the backside of the hill... mmmmmm. Next year we will finish the hillside down by the pool and add more trees to the yard. It was supposed to be this year.... but that was before the Great Flood Project.
7.) We ended up having to purchase a new pool because once we'd patched up last year's holes and partially filled the old pool we discovered NEW holes.... not just one or two...

Anyway... Nuttall's BEAT the price of the other store by $150 AND gave me a trade in on my old machine, so when all was said and done, I was about $300 UNDER what I had saved for the machine. YAYHOOOOO!!!!!!! I start a sewing class TONIGHT! (In fact, it's every Tues in July from 6-9 pm.) I already know how to sew and have made oodles of home decor and clothing projects, but this will be great to have a "real class" and get to know my new machine. I am stoked to get started on the curtains for my studio!
9.) Saturday night we had a fire on Molly's Nipple (mountain behind our home) and I stayed up taking some photos with my 300 mm zoom lens and remote trigger, trying to get some good shots. I submitted some photos to the KSL online gallery and when I looked up the story the next day, there were my pics (click on the gallery that shows 3 pics.. my pics are #2 & 3)! Cool, eh?

*SIGH* I think that's it for now. I am working on a tutorial for a fun project that is perfect for gifts for kids and family... I hope to have time to get it done later tonight or tomorrow after work...
Inky Smiles! If you've read all the way through this, leave a comment and let me know you're still around... I might just have to draw a random winner for something fun on
I'm here! I am a fairly new visitor to your blog, but enjoy your blog alot and visit often. I enjoyed your recent piece on ACDSee and may have to give it a try. Don't know how you keep up with everything you have going on.
I just got tired reading all your projects. Mayby owning a home isn't all its cracked up to be....
JUST KIDDING!!! I am glad you ara getting through the chaos, I miss talking and IMing terribly!!
I get first dibs on the pool!! :)
geez lueze...ya been busy girl!
I've only packed 2 boxes out of the office on the remodel and you made me feel totally inferior!
No wonder you've been so quiet! I've been wondering how getting the house back together was going. I'll send ya my addy so you can send me some of your veggies when they start getting ripe!
Nice to see you are alive and kicking...boy are you kicking! Lots going on in your neck of the woods!!
Hey, I JUST FINISHED These Is My Words last night. I think I read about it on Alisha's blog and was intrigued enough to buy it. GREAT read!!
Good luck with all the projects. You shore are ambitious!
Whoa...I'm tired just reading everything you've been doing! Was thinking about you and decided to check up on ya. The new Fiskateer blog launched yesterday and it is way different. Not sure I'm liking it yet...have to learn how/where to go for things!
Take care and have a safe holiday!
Not sure how I just deleted my previous post!!
Patty W (2832)
Wow - busy, busy! Good luck with EVERYTHING! I can't wait to see some fresh new projects! Thanks for the kind words on my blog - I appreciate it!
Wow, you are one busy lady. Read through your whole post and I don't think I get that much done in 6 months! I enjoy reading your blog, and love my RibbonStak.
Talk about a full plate - and I thought my life was busy. At least I'm doing any home remodeling and repairs! But I do know how annoying it is to have all your craft stuff packed away - that's pretty much an everyday occurence for me and it makes it so hard to be creative.
Good luck on all those projects!
Lisa P. in Hawaii
Wow Erin sounds like you have been busy. I have been doing some things around the house here as well. You don't realize how much you miss stamping and crafting until you don't do it for a little while. I am ready to have one whole day to craft. LOL
The pool looks like fun. We got one for a 4 year (girl). Its one of those you blow up but she loves it.
Anyways just wanted to say Hi I have missed reading your blog. Glad things are going well for you all.
Happy 4th of July!
Stay safe and try to keep cool.
Lisa Cox
Welcome back Ms. Erin!!!! :)
Oh, THAT's what you've been doing! I was starting to get a complex, but I'm better now... (JK - I knew what was goin' on!) I'm jealous of your yard and all, and I like the "too light" green on the wall, just in case you care! Good luck with all this "stuff", and drop me a line when you get a free sec!
Hi Erin,
You certainly don't have to apologize for being AWOL!! After the flood I give you credit for getting all the other things accomplished! I think it would be hard to do anything else knowing that task was in front of me. The planting of a garden is such a therapeutic activity! Thanks for sharing!
OH, I am been so busy with the preparations for YW camp that I have missed blogging and reading blogs. I love to read yours...it is always so refreshing!!!
I am having so much fun on your blog. You have been one busy lady!!! Thanks for the posts and the projects. I have bookmarked you so I can check back often.
wow! you have been super busy girl! I can't wait to see all of those projects thatyou do with the new sewing machine....Have you chosen a name for her yet?? Every inanimate object at our house has a name....for instance, the GPS...is named beverly! LOL...
Have a great week!
How do you do it all! I can't even get one project done, let alone all the ones you do....LOL I love reading your blog you get me motivated.
I'am still here but just haven't visited here lately.You have been really busy.
Joan Fiskateer #808
So many projects...so little time. Sometimes, not all times ;o), I wish there were 48 hours in the day!
Thanks for the RAK!
I am still here. I love to look at your creations!
Hi Erin! Wow, you certainly have been a busy girl! I am on summer break and I am nowhere NEAR as productive as you!!! Keep up the great work. I can't wait to see pics of when your studio is all painted and complete! Thanks for the opportunity for the RAK. I LOVE Heidi Grace!
Fiskateer 4351
Hey Erin! HOpe i am the lucky girl for the rak!
I just dicovered your blog. It's great. Wow you have really been busy. I'll be back to check you out often :)
You are one busy woman!! :) I love the photo blocks ideas...I'm going to have to work on that project. :) I'd love to be included in your RAK...those adorable papers look perfect for my daughter's baby album I'm working on! Thanks for the chance...and for all of the great ideas on your blog!
Hi Erin,
Man, you all are soooo busy! I am in awe of the energy you all have! Wow..
Sounds like you are really getting things back together after the flood.
Take care
Fiskateer #1823
I just found your blog through the Fiskateers site. It looks like you have been very busy! The photo block puzzle looks like it would be a fun project to try. Enjoyed visiting and will add you to my dailies list!
Your backyard is AWESOME! I would love to sit out there and sip ice tea. I am new to your blog but have poked around and found great inspiration. Keep on keepin' on.
Karen C
Fiskateer #4500
I found your blog through the Fiskateer messageboard. I love your blocks! I am tired from reading all you have been doing! Thanks for the chance at the fabulous RAK!
Just found your blog via fiskateers - nice I'll be back often and thanks for the chance at an RAK !!!!!!
Yikes...you've been very busy. I'd love to win the Heidi Grace goodies. Her stuff is always so beautiful. Thanks for the chance.
kim3timemom@yahoo dot com
wow! projects galore! cute stuff!
Wow! I'm a lurker, but do check in through Google Reader on a regular basis. Thanks for sharing the RAK - I hope you get SOME time to relax this summer!!
Don't enter me in the RAK...save those goodies for one of these other lucky ppl....but I just wanted to say WOW! What a yard...looking great!! Glad to hear you are doing well!
I am still reading the blog and enjoying hearing about your activities!
Hiya! Had to laugh- still around....my trouble is I'm still VERY round! Trying to lose enough to not have to wear the seatbelt extension on vacation! I do like getting your emails and reading your blog. And I think your RAKs are terrific! Count me in!!!
I read your blog regularly. I just don't comment much :)
You're backyard looks great! I love the garden boxes
Hi - I like to read your blog. You do a nice job at it. I see you have your hands full now. Thanks for giving a RAK at such a busy time. Nancy P.
Sounds like you have been pretty busy & will be busy for awhile yet. Hopefully you have an enjoyable holiday weekend.
Jeepers! You have been a busy bee. Loving what you have done :)
Hi Erin!! I am still around, checkn your blog daily.
So much fun to check in on your blog and see all the cute stuff you have.
Oh my gosh you have been so busy, I feel so lazy in comparison. Although the weather here has been horrible so I am going to use that as an excuse.
Anyway just wanted to say I'm still here :)
Christine C
All I can say is "you have a busy life"...Congrats on being able to do what you do and still share with the rest of us. Thanks, and Happy 4th! Linda
Wow, you've been busy! Wish I had enough energy to do all that you've done. Our above-ground pool still hasn't been put up. (The neighbors make us take it down every fall.)
I am so glad to hear from you. I check your site every once in a while. Things seem to be rolling along at your house. I wish I could see.
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